has set the following Quality and HSE System The Management & Staff of Bridge Saudi Company Ltd.


The Management & Staff of Bridge Saudi Company Ltd. are committed to meet clients’ needs accurately, correctly by getting it right from the very beginning, and at the right price, in the required time, also to carry out work safely and protecting the environment which consistently satisfies the clients and legal & statutory regulations and participate in continual improvement of the Integrated Management System (IMS).

To achieve the objectives, the Management of Bridge Saudi Co. Ltd. implements an Integrated Management System (IMS) that meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 (QMS), ISO 45001:2018(OHSMS) and ISO 14001:2015 (EMS) Standards.

The Management of Bridge Saudi Co. Ltd. has set the following Quality and HSE System Objectives:

  • Consider Context of the Organization and aligning the Integrated Management System with the strategic direction of Bridge Saudi Co. Ltd.
  • Develop and utilize an Integrated Management System (IMS) that complies with or exceeds requirements and drives continuous improvement in all areas of our operations and maintenance services.
  • Train and develop the competence of our people to the standard required for delivery of first-class operations and maintenance services to clients while demonstrating our commitment to Quality, Health & Safety and Environment (QHSE).
  • Identify and comply with all relevant legislative requirements.
  • Ensure efficient sourcing and use of available resources to achieve IMS objectives.
  • Develop and continually promote a Quality, HSE Management System awareness culture throughout the organization.
  • Provide a safe and healthy working environment for all personnel, including employees, sub-contractors, and visitors with a commitment to preventing injury and avoiding ill health.
  • Regularly assess the environmental impact of our key processes and cleaning services.
  • Ensure Business Continual Improvement by promoting the involvement of staff in all Quality, Health & Safety and Environment (QHSE) related matters.

It is the objective of Bridge Saudi Co. Ltd. to ensure that the employees work under the safest of conditions. Every reason able effort is made to keep the job sites safe. Our company is committed to supply the interested parties with the guidance of good supervision and policies on jobsite.

All workers, contractors and subcontractors must protect health & safety of themselves and others by working in compliance with all applicable legislation, regulations and established safe work practices and procedures.

Bridge Saudi Co. Ltd. is committed to provide a quality, health & safety and environment program that protects our staff, our property, our customers, the environment and the general public from accidents, injury, and harm. We believe that everyone is entitled to work in a safe and healthy environment.

Employees at every level including Managers, Supervisors and Workers are equally responsible and accountable for QHSE protection. Complete and active participation in QHSE policies by all employees is required every day and, in every job, which is performed anywhere.

Bridge Saudi Co. Ltd. will always take due care and diligence to ensure that all work activities under our control are conducted in such a manner to contain to a minimum adverse impact on the natural, physical, and biological environment. Bridge Saudi complies with relevant QHSE Laws and establishes responsible standards where no legislation exists.

The ultimate goal of Bridge Saudi Co.Ltd. is to eliminate:

  • Injuries and Work-related incidents and accidents.
  • QHSE discrepancies and related non-conformities.
  • Workplace absence due to sickness or injury.
  • Environmental Impacts & Aspects associated with impairment.
  • Loss or damage to company assets.
  • Damage to company image & reputation
  • Any legal complaints & issues related to Quality, Health & Safety and Environment.

Bridge Saudi Company Ltd. will review its Quality, Health & Safety and Environmental (IMS)Policy on annual basis to ensure continual growth and knowledge in order to maintain success and conform with customer, regulatory & statutory requirements.

At a glance

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